Enroll your student in a full Trial Day at Excelsior Academy during Summer School or the School Year which also includes an informal assessment. All students must complete an Educational Assessment before admission into Excelsior Academy. The Trial Day is an excellent opportunity for your student to experience academic life at Excelsior Academy. They would engage in our robust curriculum consisting of various subjects and interactive activities. Your student would also reap the benefit of a special learning technique incorporated in our lesson plan called Educational Therapy, which employs interactive language and dynamic intervention to develop core academic skills and higher order processing.
At the end of the school day (around 3:15 PM), you will meet with Excelsior staff to discuss assessment results. Note, please provide a lunch for your child. During the summer, Trial Days are held from 9 AM- 3:30 PM and during the school year, Trial Day is held from 8:30 AM-3:00 PM.
Complete the Trial Day Form and the 2 attached documents below for each of your student(s). Email documents to: enroll@excelsiorhouston.com
1. Fame Well Montessori – Excelsior Pre-Admission Form
2. Fame Well Montessori – Excelsior Discipline Guidance Policy
Please note that the Trial Day fee is only refundable if Excelsior is not able to offer acceptance to your student.