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Our Results

Over 80% of our students have demonstrated academic level improvement. We have also had positive improvements in social and emotional development. 

IOWA Composite Score 2017-18 School Year
Student Names Start End Time Between Tests
Angelina 3.6 6.3 1 year 2016-2017
Diego S. 1.8 1.4 1 year 2016-2017
Elias M. 4.0 4.0 1 year 2016-2017
Jacob K. 6.8 10.2 2 years 2016-2018
Mark O. 2.4 2.4 1 year 2016-2017
Traeh T. 2.4 3.2 1 year 2016-2017
Travis T. 2.7 3.0 1 year 2016-2017
Cesar M. 1.0 1.1 1 year 2017-2018
William G. 4.0 4.9 1 year 2017-2018
Cameron A. 5.0 6.4 1 year 2017-2018
Karega A. 3.3 4.3 1 year 2017-2018
Cole 3.0 4.9 2 years 2015-2017
IOWA Composite Score (2018-2019 School year)
Student Names Start (Fall 2018) End (Spring 2019) Time Between Tests (School years)
Kaden C. 1 1.2 1
Cesar M. 0.95 1.4 1
Octavio A. 4.9 5.3 1
Cordell D. 2.9 5.9 1
Nasir B. 3.3 5.6 1
Chanel D. 4.7 5.3 1
William G. 3.6 4.4 1
Erica F. 7.3 9.7 1

Our specialized curriculum assists students with learning disabilities by creating activities that increase focus, multi-tasking abilities, cognitive processing, and short-term/long-term memory.

To measure the output of our strategic educational techniques, our students are constantly being assessed through various mechanisms that may include daily work analysis, Curriculum Based Measurements and the standardized IOWA Testing. Below you will find how our educators at Excelsior Academy have helped our students improve their grades and rankings according to national standards (this is not an individual guarantee of your student’s progress).

IOWA Standardized Testing Improvement Scores for 7th Grade Student who performed 3 grade levels above his grade level:

J.K. – Grade 8 Student

IOWA Standardized Testing Improvement Scores for 3rd Grade Student who improved to perform at grade level:

T.T.- Grade 3 Student

Student Case A

This student came to us in Fall 2015. He struggled with mathametics and was autistic. His parents came to us with concerns about their child not fitting in well at his other school and was falling behind due to a difference in learning style from other children his age.

Our charts show the significant improvement he made from May 2016 to October 2016 on his IOWA tests. He has improved across the board areas of mathematical achievement.

In addition to developing his technical competency, this student has also improved socially. Although struggling with Autism, he has also learned many important social cues from peers and teachers making for a more well-rounded experience.

Student Case B

With this student, significant improvement was noted on her reading and language capabilities. Her teacher focused on specific exercises such as the Blue Book method, Auditory Memory Training, and Sounds of Language/Speech that provided the right support to reach her reading and language arts goals. This student also struggled socially at her previous school. However, she has now found support among her new friends at Excelsior. She looks forward to coming to school everyday and her parents could not be happier!

Throughout the semester, we observed incremental improvements and new milestones that put a spotlight on the great work our teachers are doing.


Office Address

725 Bateswood Drive
Houston, TX 77079

(832) 900-9660

M-F: 8:45am – 4pm

Campus Address:

725 Bateswood Dr,

Houston, TX 77079
Inside Outreach Center of West Houston

(832) 900-9660

M-F: 8:45am – 3pm